Falls Creek Running Experience


Ready to join us at 1600m Altitude?




This Falls Creek run experience is ideal for runners aged 18 and over who are comfortable running 8-10km. You’ll split your time between running on some of the most beautiful terrain Australia has to offer, exploring the local trails and enjoying the social atmosphere of Falls Creek distance running scene at this time of year.

During the camp you’ll remember what’s like to forget about the worries of the outside world and get to live like an elite runner for the week. You’ll learn exactly what you need to do take your running to the next level with technique analysis, strength & mobility as well as the option to pay for access to the Mountain Fitness Club Gym throughout your visit.

More than that, you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy being able to eat and drink what you want, when you want with your own kitchen within your apartment. There’s also a pool, spa and sauna on location for those who would prefer to relax even more during the trip!


What’s Happening?

5 day/4 night run experience


Falls Creek, Victoria


Thursday Jan 16 - Monday Jan 20 - 2025.


EARLY BIRD (Until October 1st) Single: $1595 (AUD)

What’s Included?

Accommodation, Thursday dinner and all coaching.

What’s Not?

Airfares, optional extras like massage, alcoholic drinks.




Day 1 - Thursday

  • 3pm - Arrival & Welcome at Falls Creek Country Club

  • 4.00pm - 5.00pm - Afternoon Group Run - (Langford Gap)

  • 7.00pm - Meet for dinner - The Last Hoot Cafe, Bar & Pizzeria

Day 2 - Friday

  • 9am - Group Medium Long Run - (Tower Run)

  • 10.30am - Recovery Ice Bath in Natural Pools

  • 4.30pm - Optional Extra Easy Run (30-minutes)

  • 5.30pm-6.30pm - Group Yoga and Mobility Session

Day 3 - Saturday

  • 9am - 10am - Group Speed Endurance Session (Langford Gap)

  • 10.30am - 11am - Recovery Ice Bath in Natural Pools

  • 7.00pm - Meet up for dinner

Day 4 - Sunday

  • 9am - 10.30am - Morning Long Run with Group (pace options to suit everyone)

  • 1pm - 2pm - Group Recovery Stretching Session

  • 4.30pm - 5pm - Optional Ice Bath in Natural Pools

Day 5 - Monday

  • 8.30am - 9.30am - Technique Analysis on the trails.

  • 10am - Head home after an incredible 5-days of running!


When should I arrive?

We start at 3pm on the first day so depending on where you are flying from it can be easier to arrive the day before. Please email us if you’d like to book extra nights.

What do I need to bring?

  • Running Shoes
  • Running Clothes
  • That's it!

I'm not an elite level runner or triathlete, is this camp suitable for me?

We have a wide range of speeds and running abilities that attend the camp. We do recommend that you be comfortable running 8-12km at an easy pace to get the most out of the sessions. If you’ve never attended a camp like this before don’t worry, neither have most people!

I'm not a runner - I'm from a running based sport. Should I still. come?

The best thing about us being a small group is that we can plan the running on this camp according to your goals. You will get a heap out of this week regardless of what running based sport you're from! Plust, the technique training transfers to all forms of running!

How much running will I be doing during the week?

Each session varies between 8-16km. You'll be able to run less distance if you're not feeling up to it and obviously able to

What's the refund policy if I can no longer make it?

  • Cancel for a full refund up to 30 days out from the camp
  • Cancellation 14 days out for a 50% refund
  • No refund if cancellation occurs with 2 weeks of the camp start date

Is there free time?

Yes! Most days there is time between sessions and meals to relax at the hotel and enjoy the spa, sleep or just put your feet up!

What's the payment and booking process?

Bookings can be made directly through the payment link above. If you need we can organise for payments over the three months leading up to the camp.